للمحاماة والإستشارات القانونية
تواصل معنا الآن
نور الدين ومشاركوه
نقدم الخدمات القانونية والحكومية لموكلينا من الأفراد والشركات Introduce with LawSight We are here to protect
any kind of Violence
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99% winning guarantee

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Secure management

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Full time support

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About us

We are here to fight against any violance with experience

The argument in favor of using filler text goes something like this: If you use real content in the design process, anytime you reach a review point you’ll end up reviewing and negotiating the content itself and not the design.

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  • Praesent feugiat sem mattis.
  • Premium services beyond you.
  • A wonderful serenity.
  • Set a link back to this photo.
Call to ask any question 540-325-1523 or 540-328-1265

Natalia Duke

(Chairman and founder)

We are here to fight against any violance with experience

قسم المنازعات الضريبية

The office took over all sports disputes, because we are unique and distinguished by the full and diverse experience in the field of dispute settlement in accordance with the legislative framework and wonderful in Egypt Sports No. 71 of 2017, International Sports Arbitration

قسم شئون الأجانب

More actions than success, we paid their attention

خدمات حكومية

Our office is responsible for assisting our clients and representing them before all government agencies and departments and initiating all procedures before governmental and non-governmental agencies, for example (police departments, traffic departments, travel documents and citizenship department).

قسم العلامات التجارية

We are proud to have a select committee of qualified experts and practitioners, in the field of intellectual property, trademarks and copyrights, including technical designs, models, trade secrets and patents.

قسم التحكيم التجاري المحلي و الدولي

The office handles all commercial arbitration cases, whether at the local or international level, starting with the drafting of the arbitration clause or the arbitration agreement to suit the nature of the contract and the relevant project, as it ensures the validity and smoothness of the arbitration process, then choosing the appropriate legal arbitration venue.
Fun fact

We feel very proud for our
great achievement

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Aenean tincidunt id mauris idology auctor. Donec at ligula lacus. digni ssimmi quis.

Completed works

Satisfied clients

Winning awards

Team members

Team member

You will introduce with our
expert team member

Aenean tincidunt id mauris idology auctor. Donec at ligula lacus. Nulla dig nissimmi quis neque interdum. An Ohio man allegedly punched his lawyer in the face in court Tuesday upon finding out he was sentenced.

Check our portfolio which is built with our experience

Contact us

Feel free to ask somthing we are here

4 G-ral. Traian Mosoiu Street, A Building, 2nd Entrance, Flat 30, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

خطأ: نموذج الاتصال غير موجود.


Learn something more from
our latest news

Aenean tincidunt id mauris idology auctor. Donec at ligula lacus. Nulla dig nissimmi quis neque interdum. An Ohio man allegedly punched his lawyer in the face in court Tuesday upon finding out he was sentenced.